Regression sessions are powerful tools for self-exploration.  It is an exciting way to explore and learn from other dimensions of ourselves held in our unconscious awareness. 

Brenda has studied the principles of reincarnation or past lives since the early 1970’s starting with the Edgar Cayce material.  My concepts have changed many times and most likely will continue to do so, as I continue my research regarding frequencies and the time-space continuum.  In the field of Quantum physics, there is evidence that the past, present and future are all happening simultaneously.  We live in an amazing time of revelation about who we truly are as spiritual beings and exploring new concepts of our world and universe around us.      

Hypnosis came very naturally  for me.  There was a definite feeling that I had done this before.  I believe that we are here to know our “true Selves.” The regression work has been a valuable avenue for my own self-exploration of “lost knowledge.”  It helped me understand so much of who I am today and this was very freeing.

Regressions are a valuable tool for personal growth and emotional wellbeing.  Emotional issues recycling from the past still affect our lives today. We also explore happy memories and learn about positive traits or talents that we may be over looking.  

Find answers to these questions:  

–       Why can’t I stop this self-sabotaging behavior?

–       Why do I attract the same personality type in my relationships? 

–       Why do I feel this deep anger or resentment at this person or situation

Regressions help us understand our life today, often explaining our relationships, fears and phobias and this knowledge allows us to become the “watcher” of life instead of the “victim” of life.  This offers an opportunity to break free of self-sabotaging habits and karmic cycles.  When we can see the “truth” of a situation then we can move into compassion and view it from the heart level where healing can occur.  We have a cleared understanding of the situation and the part that everyone played. 

Although we are not here to dwell on the past, my experience has been that recalling information like pent-up emotions from past lives, has helped many to heal emotional wounds and physical issues.  The physical body carries cell memories from the past, often from traumas and the way we died in other life time. Brenda helps you in a safe, non-threatening way to look at and release these memories.  By doing so, we can experience positive results on the quality of our current life, our work, our relationships and our health.  

Infinite Possibilities: Regressions take us out of linear time into the vast ocean of memories stored in our sub-conscious mind.  By being outside of linear time, some clients travel to the future for helpful information and some travel between lives.  This is such exciting work as we explore “lost knowledge” in the field of infinite possibilities. 

Maybe you just want to experience another life time, have fun and just to see who you were and what you did or make contact with your Higher Self, spirit guides, or angels for valuable information. This information always enhances our current life.  

   “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer